Career Criminal

“There is a way out”

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Note: Things need to be said and there is only one way to get my testimony across, and that’s truthfully! Join me and bare with me as I struggle to write about the life I so deeply regret living, but a life that shows the power of Gods love..

My name is Michael I suffered from rejection as a child and adult, I hated society and authority. as I write this July 2015 I’m 39 years old, born in 1976, being born into, and having lived amongst a family of criminals I was exposed to and

involved in crime from as early as I can remember, some of my earliest memories are of the police breaking the door down and of uncle John and his sawn off shotgun! During my adult life this evolved into organised crime.

Draft Copy (summery) A Book by Michael Long

Lovingly Dedication

I dedicate this book to my Mum and step father Mick, the love I have for them has no bounds, I regret the way I treated them over the years, and my rebellious behaviour, especially for not accepting Mick as a father, I want to acknowledge that Mick has been more of a father to me than my real dad, he is the best man I know, he is a role model to me with his dedication and loyalty to my mum and us, through thick and thin he has remained faithful to us, a hard working genuine loving man, I love him with all my heart.

To my mum, Mum you have been the love of my life, a constant in my life, my love for you cannot be summarised in words, God only knows what you went through in your early years, but I want you to know that we all love you and God loves you, you are not alone, Jesus was with you keeping you safe through all that you went through, he had you surrounded by his holy angels. I thank you for everything you have done for us, and for your love, I look forward to laughing and playing around together, we are 2 peas in a pod and I have you to thank for my personality, you’re the best Mum a boy could have, I love you Mum. I pray our Lord Jesus holds us all in his arms forever and ever. amen

And to Ron and Maureen Sims, Ron has been an inspiration to me, a great friend and a spiritual leader, without him I would not be writing this book. He lead me to Christ when I was 13 during a visit to my boarding school, since then I’ve never forgotten his name and he remains a big part of my life mentoring me and helping me progress in my new life with our Lord and saviour Jesus Christ, I would also like to thank all the Christians friends that have stuck with me over the years, your love and kindness has not been in vain.

And My brother in Christ and dear friend Rory, he was there supporting me and my partner through the hard times, when the crap hit the fan and satan attacked my finances Rory was there!

I would like to sincerely apologise to my beautiful children, for not being there as I should have been, instead choosing a life that lead me away from you all, I deeply regret everything I have done that has caused you sadness. And from now on I pray I can be the father you all deserve.

Finally, To all the victims of crime, I am sorry for the damage and destruction my actions have caused you, I hope I can somehow make it up to society by being a upstanding member of the community, with God’s help I plan on working for the prevention of crime by working with youths and offenders, helping them to shape a life away from crime and all the destruction it brings, by this I may be able to prevent others from causing the grief and destruction I once did, I hope to bring communities together so we can all get a better understanding of the effects crime has on victims in the hope we can all help reduce crime and bring people to our Lord Jesus.